Bandung, indonesia
berada di kawasan perumahan, rumah ini memiliki luasan site sebesar 260m2 sedangkan bangunan 84m2
.owner menginginkan rumah dengan taman luar yang luas tetapi masih terdapat privasi, maka dari itu dibuatlah penutup taman semi publik. terdapat bukaan yang besar pada area ruang keluarga yang langsung mengarah ke arah taman .
located in a residential area, this house has a 260 square meters of site area and 84 square meters of land which is built.
the owner wanted a house with a spacious outdoor garden, but still have privacy,so we made the cover for
semi-public garden. And there is a large open in the livingroom which leads directly into the garden, so the owner can feel the fresh air when they spend their time in the living room.
Bandung, indonesia
berada di kawasan perumahan, rumah ini memiliki luasan site sebesar 260m2 sedangkan bangunan 84m2
.owner menginginkan rumah dengan taman luar yang luas tetapi masih terdapat privasi, maka dari itu dibuatlah penutup taman semi publik. terdapat bukaan yang besar pada area ruang keluarga yang langsung mengarah ke arah taman .
located in a residential area, this house has a 260 square meters of site area and 84 square meters of land which is built.
the owner wanted a house with a spacious outdoor garden, but still have privacy,so we made the cover for
semi-public garden. And there is a large open in the livingroom which leads directly into the garden, so the owner can feel the fresh air when they spend their time in the living room.
Bandung, indonesia
berada di kawasan perumahan, rumah ini memiliki luasan site sebesar 260m2 sedangkan bangunan 84m2
.owner menginginkan rumah dengan taman luar yang luas tetapi masih terdapat privasi, maka dari itu dibuatlah penutup taman semi publik. terdapat bukaan yang besar pada area ruang keluarga yang langsung mengarah ke arah taman .
located in a residential area, this house has a 260 square meters of site area and 84 square meters of land which is built.
the owner wanted a house with a spacious outdoor garden, but still have privacy,so we made the cover for
semi-public garden. And there is a large open in the livingroom which leads directly into the garden, so the owner can feel the fresh air when they spend their time in the living room.