Residence 28 is a 4 floor with 3 bedroom. The dwelling has a main entrance following a garden path and one through the basement. When entering through the basement, occupants or guests are greeted by a small foyer, while the garden entrance opens into the livingroom; a split-level space with a double volume height. Two paintings (part of the private collection of the owner) are the focal point, and tone colors were applied to the room to highlight them. The colors which dominate the space accentuate a strong and modern theme. Upstairs there is a half the floor consisting of the dining room, family room, and pantry. A generous use of white furniture that is soft combined with a black sofa gives the impression of a masculine space while a wood veneer coordinates with the other open spaces . Natural and warm colors are used in the master and children’s bedrooms . A red wave shaped element becomes the background of the stair that connects that reaches the fourth floor of the dwelling . This element is designed to divert the attention of the dominating stair in a simple yet functional manner. The color red was chosen for it’s strength and is supported as a continuous design element throughout the house. As such it becomes a point of interest for the entire dwelling.
Residence 28 is a 4 floor with 3 bedroom. The dwelling has a main entrance following a garden path and one through the basement. When entering through the basement, occupants or guests are greeted by a small foyer, while the garden entrance opens into the livingroom; a split-level space with a double volume height. Two paintings (part of the private collection of the owner) are the focal point, and tone colors were applied to the room to highlight them. The colors which dominate the space accentuate a strong and modern theme. Upstairs there is a half the floor consisting of the dining room, family room, and pantry. A generous use of white furniture that is soft combined with a black sofa gives the impression of a masculine space while a wood veneer coordinates with the other open spaces . Natural and warm colors are used in the master and children’s bedrooms . A red wave shaped element becomes the background of the stair that connects that reaches the fourth floor of the dwelling . This element is designed to divert the attention of the dominating stair in a simple yet functional manner. The color red was chosen for it’s strength and is supported as a continuous design element throughout the house. As such it becomes a point of interest for the entire dwelling.
Residence 28 is a 4 floor with 3 bedroom. The dwelling has a main entrance following a garden path and one through the basement. When entering through the basement, occupants or guests are greeted by a small foyer, while the garden entrance opens into the livingroom; a split-level space with a double volume height. Two paintings (part of the private collection of the owner) are the focal point, and tone colors were applied to the room to highlight them. The colors which dominate the space accentuate a strong and modern theme. Upstairs there is a half the floor consisting of the dining room, family room, and pantry. A generous use of white furniture that is soft combined with a black sofa gives the impression of a masculine space while a wood veneer coordinates with the other open spaces . Natural and warm colors are used in the master and children’s bedrooms . A red wave shaped element becomes the background of the stair that connects that reaches the fourth floor of the dwelling . This element is designed to divert the attention of the dominating stair in a simple yet functional manner. The color red was chosen for it’s strength and is supported as a continuous design element throughout the house. As such it becomes a point of interest for the entire dwelling.