Initially, this house is an old house that was built in the 70s. Then the owner trusted us to renovate it into a new house with a more modern appearance but still had the character of the past which is preserved through the layout of the existing rooms, Roof’s form, and existing curved components. The adaptation strategy was to maximize openings for air circulation and natural lighting, then extend the terrace and its canopy on the 2nd floor of the building facing the garden behind to create shade and climate anticipation, then added new building components marked by the formation of a dark gray volume. (New building volumes for master bedroom and pantry functions). This exterior and interior formation became like a mutation between the old and the new with the formation of the volumes of spatial formations that penetrated each other inside and outside the older building.
Besides the Existing terrazzo floor, the materials that had been chosen are simple materials that we could get in every common local building material shop because of the Client’s budget and the easiness. Therefore, this house is dominated and painted with basic textured color paint, basic color paint, and exposed cement floorings. The neutral colors (white and dark grey) were chosen to be the main color of this house. With these basic materials, the building has been acted adaptively as a simple canvas that could be fitted with any type of interior furniture style that possibly is fitted in tomorrow’s day if there will be newer interior fittings. We believe that articulation aims to produce clarity of form and roles in architectural elements as a means of communication. The differentiation of color, form, and the existing building components that we still preserved, would be a sign within the old and the new to remind the user of the memory of their house before this renovation but still adaptive with the current user’s needs.
Initially, this house is an old house that was built in the 70s. Then the owner trusted us to renovate it into a new house with a more modern appearance but still had the character of the past which is preserved through the layout of the existing rooms, Roof’s form, and existing curved components. The adaptation strategy was to maximize openings for air circulation and natural lighting, then extend the terrace and its canopy on the 2nd floor of the building facing the garden behind to create shade and climate anticipation, then added new building components marked by the formation of a dark gray volume. (New building volumes for master bedroom and pantry functions). This exterior and interior formation became like a mutation between the old and the new with the formation of the volumes of spatial formations that penetrated each other inside and outside the older building.
Besides the Existing terrazzo floor, the materials that had been chosen are simple materials that we could get in every common local building material shop because of the Client’s budget and the easiness. Therefore, this house is dominated and painted with basic textured color paint, basic color paint, and exposed cement floorings. The neutral colors (white and dark grey) were chosen to be the main color of this house. With these basic materials, the building has been acted adaptively as a simple canvas that could be fitted with any type of interior furniture style that possibly is fitted in tomorrow’s day if there will be newer interior fittings. We believe that articulation aims to produce clarity of form and roles in architectural elements as a means of communication. The differentiation of color, form, and the existing building components that we still preserved, would be a sign within the old and the new to remind the user of the memory of their house before this renovation but still adaptive with the current user’s needs.
Initially, this house is an old house that was built in the 70s. Then the owner trusted us to renovate it into a new house with a more modern appearance but still had the character of the past which is preserved through the layout of the existing rooms, Roof’s form, and existing curved components. The adaptation strategy was to maximize openings for air circulation and natural lighting, then extend the terrace and its canopy on the 2nd floor of the building facing the garden behind to create shade and climate anticipation, then added new building components marked by the formation of a dark gray volume. (New building volumes for master bedroom and pantry functions). This exterior and interior formation became like a mutation between the old and the new with the formation of the volumes of spatial formations that penetrated each other inside and outside the older building.
Besides the Existing terrazzo floor, the materials that had been chosen are simple materials that we could get in every common local building material shop because of the Client’s budget and the easiness. Therefore, this house is dominated and painted with basic textured color paint, basic color paint, and exposed cement floorings. The neutral colors (white and dark grey) were chosen to be the main color of this house. With these basic materials, the building has been acted adaptively as a simple canvas that could be fitted with any type of interior furniture style that possibly is fitted in tomorrow’s day if there will be newer interior fittings. We believe that articulation aims to produce clarity of form and roles in architectural elements as a means of communication. The differentiation of color, form, and the existing building components that we still preserved, would be a sign within the old and the new to remind the user of the memory of their house before this renovation but still adaptive with the current user’s needs.