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25 Sep 2020 by AHT
“We were able to avoid significant impacts thanks to immediately taken additional security measures, quick reaction, close communication and cooperation within the group. Despite of all existing security measures cybercrime can hit anyone. It is therefore all the more important for us to make the given situation public and to warn against criminal attacks of this kind. Thanks to the intensive and professional work of the AHT IT experts, employees and partners, we were able to continue production and deliver all customer orders. Also the E-Mail communication is in the process of being restored. We will now be taking even more measures at the level of security and communication to counter events of this kind in the best possible way in the future. Such challenging situations require cooperation and a strong team. And that is what we have!” Martin Krutz, CEO AHT Cooling Systems GmbH since March 2019.
It is currently unclear who is behind the attempt. The damage has been limited and sensitive data has been secured.
The AHT team is working at full speed on restoring and recommissioning the entire system and is undertaking all necessary actions to be fully back in business within the next days.