A state-of-the-art Industrial Complex within Hermosa Ecozone Industrial Park. This Industrial Park is designed to have 8 interconnected Factories, Plants, and Warehouse to have an efficient circulation of products. The site will also have 2 supporting structures for the well-being of its employees and workers with open-air cafeteria.
A state-of-the-art Industrial Complex within Hermosa Ecozone Industrial Park. This Industrial Park is designed to have 8 interconnected Factories, Plants, and Warehouse to have an efficient circulation of products. The site will also have 2 supporting structures for the well-being of its employees and workers with open-air cafeteria.
A state-of-the-art Industrial Complex within Hermosa Ecozone Industrial Park. This Industrial Park is designed to have 8 interconnected Factories, Plants, and Warehouse to have an efficient circulation of products. The site will also have 2 supporting structures for the well-being of its employees and workers with open-air cafeteria.