A House in Surabaya that has hot climate, the idea is to use a screen to makes the air circulation going flow through the building but also to reduce the heat from direct sunlight because the building oriientation is facing to west. Another strategy is to makes a big inner courtyard in the center of the building.
A House in Surabaya that has hot climate, the idea is to use a screen to makes the air circulation going flow through the building but also to reduce the heat from direct sunlight because the building oriientation is facing to west. Another strategy is to makes a big inner courtyard in the center of the building.
A House in Surabaya that has hot climate, the idea is to use a screen to makes the air circulation going flow through the building but also to reduce the heat from direct sunlight because the building oriientation is facing to west. Another strategy is to makes a big inner courtyard in the center of the building.