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ARCHIFYNOW > PROJECT > CUN DESIGNOEZER at 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo

CUN DESIGN|OEZER at 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo

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Project Name:
OEZER Showroom
Project Location:
China Construction Expo(Guangzhou) Zone D 20.2-15
Design Unit:
Chief Designer:
Cui Shu
Aided Designer:
Guo Wei
Jerry Zhong
Building Area:
Design Time:
May 2023
Completion Time:
July 2023
From Confucianism’s belief that "the benevolent man regards all things as one," to the Tang and Song poetry that finds solace in nature, such as "a cascade plunging three thousand feet," the essence of Chinese culture is deeply intertwined with nature.

To this end, we draw inspiration from nature. Based on traditional architectural aesthetics, we use a variety of combinations of beams, walls, and columns, integrating contemporary design perspectives. This approach allows soft lines and simple beauty to complement each other, creating an aesthetic door and window exhibition hall where nature and culture harmoniously blend.

Design Inspiration 

Traditional Chinese seal carving, typically composed of square blocks, uses the emotional resonance embedded in these carvings to transform people’s lives. This aligns with the concept we aim to convey: 'The original purpose of architecture is for humanity.

The space is both divided into independent areas and interconnected, marking the brand impression of OEZER Doors and Windows on the urban interface. It presents a unique architectural aesthetic and a sense of order.


We drew design symbols from traditional seal carving, using the concept of the 'square' as the core design element of the exhibition hall's facade. The cement fiberboard, with its simple and unpretentious texture, creates a rich visual effect.

Reception Desk

The facade's cement fiberboard texture exudes a deep historical charm, while the reception desk and the 'OEZER' name engraved on the facade are rendered in stainless steel with a gleaming silver luster, creating a striking contrast with the contemporary aesthetic.

Entrance Soft Film Lightbox

On the panoramic lift window, the metallic brand name becomes the focal point. Unlike traditional stores that attract passers-by with product displays, we use a 'half-covered' soft film lightbox design to spark curiosity, while four sliding doors complete the space's narrative.


As the initial visual anchor upon entering the exhibition hall, the corridor connects the front and back areas of the space by distilling the meandering pathways of traditional Chinese gardens. It weaves a tangible flow with the aesthetic of "winding paths leading to secluded places," creating a poetic and diverse exhibition environment. This design allows visitors, even within the exhibition hall, to experience the quality of OEZER doors and windows and their perfect integration with home environments.

Exhibition Hall

Through unique techniques such as interlacing, separation, and deconstruction of volumes, we have established a new spatial order. The exhibition hall offers a rich variety of materials that transform with the viewer's changing perspective. OEZER's representative products—including the Starfield panoramic doors, Free-Border narrow opening windows, Skylight intelligent panoramic lifting windows, and Cloud Mirror outward-opening windows—showcase the limitless design possibilities of stainless steel. This approach infuses the space with a dynamic sense of temporal flow.

Salon Area

As you proceed inward from the entrance, you'll arrive at the "OEZER Inspiration Station." In the inviting ambiance created by the panoramic doors with guardrails, visitors can freely explore this continuous space. They can sit quietly to enjoy the view, immerse themselves in the vibrant green, and feel a natural sense of freedom and upward vitality. This design fosters a more immersive and multidimensional sensory experience.

Water Bar

As Guanzi (a classical Chinese philosopher) said, "The earth is where people come from and where they return to." Inspired by the raw materials of OEZER products, we have deconstructed and integrated walls and columns to create an interactive space that resonates with a spiritual dimension. This approach forms an engaging visual system that invites dynamic interaction and reflection.

Tea Room

The design features clean, modern lines complemented by exquisite tea sets and crafts, creating an elegant atmosphere. The use of pure cement fiberboard offers a relaxed and natural environment, where the aroma of the tea harmonizes with the surrounding beauty. Visitors can savor the tea’s fragrance and experience the lingering pleasure of "holding a bowl of tea for those who love it."

The ceiling and wall decorations are inspired by the concept of "round sky and square earth," encapsulating the essence of material aesthetics. This design approach enhances the ceiling with visual highlights and a gentle softness, creating a minimalist yet textured effect. It sets the stage for a relaxing and enjoyable tea-drinking experience for guests.

Rooted in nature, we honor the beautiful scenery by integrating traditional culture and the natural symbols of gardens into every aspect of the building. The interplay of light and shadow creates a naturally soft and understated quality, evoking a sense of simplicity and elegance.

CUN DESIGN|OEZER at 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo
CUN DESIGN|OEZER at 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo
CUN DESIGN|OEZER at 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo
CUN DESIGN|OEZER at 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo
CUN DESIGN|OEZER at 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo
CUN DESIGN|OEZER at 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo
CUN DESIGN|OEZER at 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo

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