A Modern New Build in Malmo2
In a modern new build spanning 40 square meters of open space that integrates the kitchen and living room, the homeowners sought to rejuvenate their white oak flooring
Explore the Design Behind the Immersive, Nature-Based Stay Experience of Bobobox Cabin 3.0
Bobobox unveils its latest cabin design, Cabin 3.0, inviting guests into a more immersive, nature-based experience while staying.
Kylau Common Space Carves Out A Story about Coffee and Community
Kylau Common Space offers a comfortable and aesthetic meeting point for Depok city local community to interact, work and enjoy the quality of coffee as well as the space itself.
EUREKA Coffee & Kitchen Stands Out with Floating Appearance in A Dense Neighbourhood
EUREKA Coffee & Kitchen is a communal space located at a dense neighbourhood in Bandung. The building stands out architecturally with a floating look.
Interior Designer, More Than Just A Decorator
When it comes to creating a beautiful and neat space arrangement, an interior designer is the right person for the job. Their role is more than just that of a decorator.
Architectural Intelligence 2024: AIA International Conference Concludes in Hong Kong
The AIA International Conference 2024, held from October 23rd to 27th, brought together a vibrant mix of architects, designers, and thought leaders in Hong Kong, all united under the theme "Architectural Intelligence." Hosted by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), this year’s conference took place at The Henderson, a stunning architectural marvel designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, providing a breathtaking backdrop for discussions on the future of architecture.
Keynote Spotlight: Michael E. Moriarty at AIA International Conference
Exciting news for attendees of the AIA International Conference in Hong Kong! Michael E. Moriarty, Managing Director of Hong Kong Disneyland, will deliver a captivating keynote address on October 25th.
Our Insightful Articles
In the recent years, adaptive reuse has become one of the most effective approaches in keeping unoccupied buildings with historic values from being demolished. By bringing new functions and purposes, aged buildings can gain new lives and at the same time offer shared memories and perspectives to the community. Generally, adaptive reuse principle is to leave a substantial portion of the historical significance intact while adding new elements to accommodate new purposes.
Of a few places one could safely retreat and relax in this pandemic time is one’s own abode. Many has since reconsidered and rethought their perspective of what an ideal home should be. Among many criteria of an ideal home expected by many homeowners today, having an inner garden or courtyard is on the top list. Completed in 2020, the Raffles House by eben is an ideal example of house with courtyards that promotes the dwellers’ well-being in this current situation.
In the recent years, e-commerce has been disrupting the operations of physical retail spaces, especially malls and department stores. But even if many people now prefer to shop through their handheld screens, the culture of hanging and dining out with others prevails. This makes way to new developments of retail spaces, such as a lifestyle mall that is smaller in size and provides more dining experience and entertainment. These smaller spaces that contain only more or less a dozen curated outlets have been gaining popularity and popped up in many cities.
Dulux, brand cat dinding dekoratif yang merupakan bagian dari AzkoNobel, memperkenalkan Colour of the Year 2021 dengan tema “Brave Ground”. Sebagai program tahunan Dulux, penentuan colour of the year melewati riset dan proses yang menyeluruh agar warna yang ditentukan dapat memberi dampak yang signifikan. Mengingat kondisi tahun 2020 yang cukup sulit karena pandemi Covid-19 yang berkepanjangan, warna-warna yang dipilih merepresentasikan harapan dan adaptasi terhadap perubahan.
Salah satu permasalahan yang timbul akibat berkembang pesatnya pembangunan dan perekonomian adalah tingginya volume limbah serta percepatan perubahan iklim. Ironisnya, permasalahan tersebut sering kali tidak dirasakan oleh negara atau daerah yang secara langsung berkontribusi terhadap limbah dan perubahan iklim. Negara berkembang, daerah-daerah yang kesehariannya masih sangat dekat dengan alam malah juah lebih terdampak. Tidak jarang, mata pencaharian masyarakat di daerah terpencil yang sangat bergantung kepada alam juga terpengaruh dan bahkan terancam, begitu juga dengan kondisi lingkungan hidup mereka yang menjadi sangat tercemar.
Bagi kebanyakan arsitek, desainer, dan peminat desain di Indonesia, mungkin padanan kata “arsitek muda Indonesia” tidak memiliki makna lebih dari salah satu demografi arsitek dengan rentang umur tertentu yang berpraktik di Indonesia. Ini memang tercermin dari hasil survei yang dilakukan oleh para kurator pameran: tidak sedikit yang beranggapan bahwa padanan kata tersebut sebatas merujuk kepada arsitek-arsitek muda generasi milenial yang tidak terikat dalam kelompok atau komunitas tertentu. Namun kenyataannya, Arsitek Muda Indonesia secara spesifik bisa dilihat sebagai satu gerakan yang mau tidak mau memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap perkembangan arsitektur di Indonesia saat ini.
3 Desember 2020 Bertepatan dengan Hari Bakti PU, Menteri PUPR Indonesia mengukuhkan Dewan Arsitek Indonesia. Yuk Baca Selengkapnya Di sini !
Di tengah kondisi pandemi seperti ini, bukan berarti kegiatan berkomunitas dan diskusi berhenti. Tidak heran, sejak pandemi mengharuskan masyarakat untuk tinggal di rumah masing-masing, banyak bermunculan webinar dari berbagai komunitas arsitektur dan desain. Jayaboard juga turut mengambil langkah ini sebagai bentuk kolaborasi dan knowledge sharing bagi komunitas desain maupun masyarakat luas. CONNEX—Connecting Minds, Explore the Possibilities, adalah dasar diskusi yang ingin diangkat oleh Jayaboard dan telah berlangsung sejak November lalu.
“Good design is effortless”, ungkap Prasetio Budhi, atau yang lebih akrab disapa Pras, adalah salah satu pemahaman desain yang selalu ia yakini. Sebagai salah satu desainer interior dengan pengalaman puluhan tahun, Pras telah menghasilkan berbagai karya desain yang tidak jarang diapresiasi oleh berbagai media. Karya Pras yang selalu ekspresif namun elegan juga telah sempat didokumentasikan dalam bukunya yang pertama, diluncurkan pada 2012: Simply Stated; The Works of Prasetio Budhi.
Among the typical home office buildings in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, the office of Mantab Group stands quite prominently thanks to its gleaming gold-coloured façade. Hovering over the second floor of the building, the metallic façade wraps the front-facing part of the building with its folded surface. Yet, in contrast with the grandiose façade, a modest and small timber finished box figure stands next to it, marking the entrance to the office.
PT Anvaya Developer Indonesia meluncurkan perumahan perdananya, Anvaya Townhouse di Cilendek, Kota Bogor. Memperhatikan pembangunan perumahan di Jabodetabek, perkembangan di Kota Bogor bisa dibilang tidak secepat dan sebanyak yang ada di Kabupaten Bogor dan area lainnya. Melihat potensi tersebut, Anvaya Townhouse dikembangkan dengan beberapa kebaruan yang masih jarang ditemui pada perumahan yang ada di Kota Bogor.
Situated next to the Yishun Pond, Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre is recently opened to facilitate one of the organisation’s missions to provide supplementary education for the Singapore’s young generations. As a multipurpose public building, this youth centre houses facilities such as a function hall, classrooms, studios and workshops, study rooms, F&B outlets and other congregational spaces for members and visitors to meet and interact.