Explore the Design Behind the Immersive, Nature-Based Stay Experience of Bobobox Cabin 3.0
Bobobox unveils its latest cabin design, Cabin 3.0, inviting guests into a more immersive, nature-based experience while staying.
A Modern New Build in Malmo2
In a modern new build spanning 40 square meters of open space that integrates the kitchen and living room, the homeowners sought to rejuvenate their white oak flooring
EUREKA Coffee & Kitchen Stands Out with Floating Appearance in A Dense Neighbourhood
EUREKA Coffee & Kitchen is a communal space located at a dense neighbourhood in Bandung. The building stands out architecturally with a floating look.
Kylau Common Space Carves Out A Story about Coffee and Community
Kylau Common Space offers a comfortable and aesthetic meeting point for Depok city local community to interact, work and enjoy the quality of coffee as well as the space itself.
Interior Designer, More Than Just A Decorator
When it comes to creating a beautiful and neat space arrangement, an interior designer is the right person for the job. Their role is more than just that of a decorator.
Architectural Intelligence 2024: AIA International Conference Concludes in Hong Kong
The AIA International Conference 2024, held from October 23rd to 27th, brought together a vibrant mix of architects, designers, and thought leaders in Hong Kong, all united under the theme "Architectural Intelligence." Hosted by the American Institute of Architects (AIA), this year’s conference took place at The Henderson, a stunning architectural marvel designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, providing a breathtaking backdrop for discussions on the future of architecture.
AIA Hong Kong Honors & Awards: Celebrating Architectural Excellence
Hong Kong – The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Hong Kong Chapter proudly announces the winners of its prestigious 2024 Honors & Awards Program. This annual event showcases exceptional achievements in architecture, interiors, urban design, and unbuilt projects from our members and licensed architects across Hong Kong, China, and the Asia Pacific region.
Our Insightful Articles
Moodboard Challenge kembali! Yuk, kreasikan idemu dengan membuat moodboard versi kamu dan menangkan hadiah seru. Begini caranya:
Moodboard sangat efektif untuk membantu menceritakan konsep dan membangun visi sebuah desain. Dengan dasar pemikiran tersebut, kami menyediakan fitur Archify Moodboard sebagai cara mudah dan efisien untuk menyusun ide desain Anda. Fitur ini dapat dimanfaatkan bersamaan dengan akses ke ribuan produk dan gambar inspirasi di Archify, bahkan dengan tambahan materi dari koleksi pribadi Anda. Penggunaan fitur ini simpel, Anda tinggal mengikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut.
Pada 26 Agustus 2020, komunitas Nongkrong Bareng Arsitek tepat berdiri 10 tahun, setelah kegiatan pertama yang diadakan 10 tahun lalu di Pekanbaru oleh arsitek Dedi Ariandi, Weldy Eka Saputra, dan Parlindungan Ravelino. Sebagai komunitas arsitektur dan desain dengan kegiatan rutin setiap bulannya, Nongkrong Bareng Arsitek, atau biasa dikenal dengan NBA, kini telah menyebar bukan hanya di Pekanbaru saja, namun juga di Medan, Padang, Banjar, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, Gorontalo, dan Makassar.
Sebagai gedung mall sekaligus gedung tinggi pertama di Jakarta, Sarinah merupakan salah satu bangunan yang memiliki nilai sejarah dan budaya yang patut dilestarikan. Telah diajukan sebagai salah satu bangunan cagar budaya sejak 2016, Sarinah pada 2020, tepat pada ulang tahunnya yang ke 58, akan menjalani renovasi sekaligus pemugaran dengan beberapa transformasi yang diharapkan dapat mendongkrak brand lokal dan UMKM.
Among its typical neighbouring houses, 73M Jalan Senang that stands on a corner land plot appears unique with its monolithic look. Designed by ipli Architects, the house is a resemblance of the simple, ubiquitous gabled-roof house icon. Instead of defining the each part of the house differently, the building displays a unified look from the bottom to the top as if the shape is carved from a massive rectangular block. From its voluminous exterior, multiple randomly placed square openings create a slight giveaway of a light and porous interior.
Recently, the trend of incorporating an edible garden in one’s living quarter has grown significantly. Be it in a kitchen’s corner with plenty of natural lighting or on the whole rooftop area, edible home garden is regarded as one of the easiest and most effective way to introduce sustainable living to the masses.
Kementerian Perdaganan (Kemendag) Republik Indonesia melalui Direktorat Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional (DJPEN) mengadakan kegiatan Trade Talk di M Bloc dan mengundang sejumlah pelaku kreatif, di antaranya arsitek, desainer interior, desainer produk, desainer grafis, dan media desain.
BYO Living kembali menggerakkan 1000 Jalinan Peduli di Jakarta akhir Juli 2020 lalu. Pada kesempatan ini, BYO Living dan Archify bekerja sama sekaligus memberi dukungan kepada tiga coffeeshop di Jakarta, yaitu LIMA Chocolate and Coffee, Guten Morgen Coffee Lab & Shop, dan 1/15 Coffee.
Aaksen Responsible Aarchitecture has recently finished a residential project in Jakarta named Vinyasa House. This dwelling is located at a housing precinct that borders Jakarta with its satellite city, Depok. A typical suburban house in this neighbourhood has rectangular structures and a pitched roof, so among such uniform facades, Vinyasa House stands out with its towering geometric mass.
In Bandung, Indonesia, it is not rare to see a well-preserved building dating back to more than half a century. While a number of prominent heritage buildings are still operating as they were originally, some have seen changes in their functions, and others are left abandoned completely. Hotel Dago, built in 1954, one of the abandoned old buildings, has recently been transformed into a café.
Located in suburban area of South Jakarta, Rumah Sisik Batu—translated as a house with stone scale (or skin)—is a recently finished renovation project by ArMS. Prominent use of basalt as the building envelope is evident even at the house’s parking space and a security post located at the front. Muhammad Sagitha of ArMS pointed out that the inspiration behind the project’s name was from the angled and layered arrangement of basalt pieces that resembles animal scales.
Sejak Maret lalu, Studio Sae mulai mengadakan kegiatan diskusi dan talk show yang dinamai STalk. Kegiatan diskusi ini merupakan salah satu upaya untuk bereksplorasi dan belajar lebih jauh mengenai arsitektur dan disiplin lain yang dapat bersinggungan. STalk yang kedua diadakan pada 20 Juni 2020 dan mengundang Tomo Dwihasputro dari WIKA Gedung untuk membahas konstruksi Jakarta International Stadium (JIS).