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Blinds, Shutters & Screens

Indoor or Outdoor Roller Blinds: Which is the Right Choice as Your Window Blinds?

Nowadays, people favor roller blinds over curtains as protective shades. It is of no wonder since roller blinds are well-known for their durability, fresh-looking design, low maintenance, light control ability, provision of insulation and privacy as well as their availability in a vast array of colours and styles to choose from. Roller blinds work incredibly well as both indoor and outdoor blinds. However, it can be difficult to decide which one would work best for you. Indoor window blinds or interior window blinds are ones that are installed inside your window casing while outdoor blinds or exterior blinds are mounted on the outside. To determine which roller blinds best fit your needs, you should consider your location, budget, personal preference, the style of your home and also the functionality itself. It is important that you choose your window blinds well as they are expected to last for years and become an essential part of your house. Here are the pros and cons of both indoor and outdoor blinds to help you make the right decision. 

Outdoor Blinds 

Pros: Outdoor blinds are more effective at blocking the heat and UV rays before they hit the window glass and heat it up. Exterior roller blinds can reduce the ambient temperature inside the room by about 10OC. Therefore, outdoor roller blinds can be a great choice for those who live in tropical countries. 
Cons:  Outdoor blinds may cost more than indoor blinds. As they are constantly under the direct exposure of the environment, outdoor blinds are usually made of more durable material that comes at higher prices. For most outdoor roller blinds, you might need to go outside or reach through the window only to adjust them. To avoid this inconvenience, there’s a motorized roller blind available, which you can control from the inside, but of course, it comes with higher cost. 

Indoor Blinds

Pros: Indoor blinds are typically less costly than outdoor blinds, which makes them a better choice as your window blinds if you have a limited budget. Indoor roller blinds can also serve as an accent or a decorative element to match and complement the interior style of your home. 
Cons: Indoor roller blinds don’t block as much heat as outdoor blinds. As comparison, indoor window blinds or indoor roller blinds can reduce the ambient room temperature by only about 3oC, which is much less than outdoor blinds with its 10oC.  
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